The ZOOMLOOK player is highly configurable. Bellow is the file, useful for developers as a quick referent to all ZL WebGL configuration options.
# ZLPlayer v3.3.5
ZLPlayer is a javascript class used to create ZOOMLOOK experiences. It allows you to embed an interactive ZOOMLOOK experience with a set of configurable options and interactivity.
## Features
* Easily embed a 360 object in just a few lines of code
* Set up configurable settings for the player
* Control user interaction with touch events
* Get information on zoom level and state
* Hooks for custom callbacks such as entering or leaving full screen, spin to, and more
## Usage
The following is an example of using the ZLPlayer:
### Add the player scripts to the page
<script src="/zoomlook/assets/ZLWebGL.js"></script>
<script src="/zoomlook/assets/ZLPlayer.min.js"></script>
### Instantiate the ZLPlayer
* ZLPlayer(config)
* basePath: The base path of the assets directory.
* clickLoad: If true, user need to click to start loading; Otherwise, it will load automatically. Default: false.
* fps: Spin speed, the default value is 25, representing 25 frames per second.
* type: Type of content. Default: "animation". Available values: ["photo", "animation", "ZLVideo", "iframe"]
* buttons:
* enabled: Show/hide all buttons. Default: true.
* fullscreenButton: Show/hide fullscreen button. "desktop" mean only show on desktop. "mobile" is the same. Default: true. Available values: ["desktop", "mobile", true, false].
* directionButton: Show/hide direction buttons. Default: true.
* playButton: Show/hide play button. Default: true.
* controlMoveButton: Show/hide the control move button. Default: true.
* fullscreenMode: Fullscreen mode. Default: "page". Available values: ["device", "page"]. Device full screen is not supported on iPhone, full page as fallback is used. [Browser compatibility of device fullscreen API](
* bounce: Enable/disable bounce effect. Default: false.
* spinReverse: Reverse spin direction. Default: false.
* inertia: Enable/disable inertia effect. Default: false.
* autoplay: Enable/disable autoplay. Default: false.
* maxZoom: The max percentage of zoom. '100%' is min value, means no zoom. Default: "200%". Range: 100% ~ 1000%.
* limitRange: Limit the range of the view.
* level: The zoom level of trigger limit. Default: "130%".
* top: Top area range. Default: 1.0. Value range: 0.1 ~ 1.0.
* bottom: Bottom area range. Default: 1.0. Value range: 0.1 ~ 1.0.
* left: Left area range. Default: 1.0. Value range: 0.1 ~ 1.0.
* right: Right area range. Default: 1.0. Value range: 0.1 ~ 1.0.
* expandButton: Expand button.
* enabled: Whether to enable or disable the expand button. Default: true.
* showColor: The color of the show state. Default: '#000000'.
* hideColor: The color of the hide state. Default: '#000000'.
* invert: Whether invert the icon. Default: false.
* pageScroll:
* enabled: Enable scroll page with mouse wheel + Shift key. Default false. Note that if use an iframe, pageScroll will only work in the same domain.
* invert: If true, scroll page when Shift key down + mouse wheel. If true, scroll page by mouse wheel. Default: false.
* touch: Whether to support it on touch device. Default: false.
* background:
* color: The background color. Default: '#FFFFFF'.
* startFrame: Initial frame. Default: 1.
* autoChangeControl: Whether to automatically change the control type when zoom level at 200. Default: true.
* limitMemory: Reduce the size and number of images when memory is limited. Default: true.
* limitMemorySpeedMode: Absolute or relative speed using frames/fps. The relative speed may be faster than normal. Default: "relative". Available values: ["absolute", "relative"].
* swipeGallery: Enable or disable swipe gallery. Default: false.
* track: Enable or disable track. This will cause all hooks to output logs to the console. Default: true.
* crossCursor: Enable or disable cross cursor. Default: false.
* ga4: Enable or disable ga4. Default: false.
* metadata: Metadata information. Default: { productName: null }.
* configVersion: The version number of configuration json file . Default: null.
* compare: The configuration of the compare function.
* beforeUuid: The uuid of the previous view. Default: undefined.
* afterUuid: The uuid of the next view. Default: undefined.
* vertical: Enable or disable vertical layout. Default: false.
* dividerWidth: The width of the divider. Default: 2.
* dividerColor: The color of the divider line. Default: "#000000".
* handlerBgcolor: The color of the handler. Default: "#FFFFFF".
* handlerActiveBgcolor: The color of the handler when active. Default: "#00AAFF".
* previewMode: The mode of preview layer. Available values: ["auto","image", "video"]. Default: "auto".
* previewVideo: This configuration is not recommended to be modified. It is automatically generated by DAM and modifications may cause ZLVideo to not work properly.
* fps: The fps of the video. Default: 25.
* filename: Specifies the video name to use. Default: null.
* desktopResolution: Specifies the video resolution for desktop. Default: "2500".
* mobileResolution: Specifies the video resolution for mobile. Default: "900".
* doubleClickAction: Define a double click action. Available values: ["play", "zoom", false]. Default: "zoom".
* iframe:
* url: Specifies the address of the document to embed in an iframe.
* thumbImage: Specifies the thumbnail image of the iframe. Base64 Encoded Image or URL. Default: null, which means display a default placeholder image.
const ZL = new ZLPlayer({
basePath: "/zoomlook/pix/ZLGL360/",
clickLoad: true,
fps: 25,
type: "ZLVideo",
buttons: {
enabled: true,
directionButton: true,
playButton: true,
controlMoveButton: true
fullscreenMode: 'page',
bounce: true,
spinReverse: true,
inertia: true,
autoplay: true,
maxZoom: "170%",
limitRange: {
expandButton: {
enabled: true,
showColor: "#000000",
hideColor: "#000000",
invert: false
pageScroll: {
enabled: true,
invert: false,
touch: true
background: {
color: "#000000",
crossCursor: true
### load view
* loadZLView(uuid, target) or loadZLView({...configs})
* uuid: The id of the product, which must be unique.
* target: The container id of the view.
ZL.loadZLView("AP5U8BMIJB", "zoom1");
### load gallery
* ZL.loadZLGallery(config, target, configList);
* config: gallery configuration.
* showThumb: Show thumbnails. Available values: ["all", "desktop", "mobile", false]. Default: "all".
* thumbFit: It's used to specify how an image should be resized to fit its container. Available values: ["fill", "contain", "cover"]. Default: "contain".
* startItem: The first gallery item to be displayed on start. Default: 0. 0 is the first one in the configList, and so on.
* target: The container id of the gallery.
* configList: List of contents configuration.
* [config, config, ...].
* config items same as ZLPlayer.
* galleryThumbs:Customize thumbnails styles.
* align:
* On desktop: Available values: ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]. Default: "right".
* On mobile: Available values: ["top", "bottom"]. Default: "bottom".
* scale: Set the thumbnail size. Default: 1.0.
* roundEdge: The rounded value of the thumbnail. Default: 0.
* bgColor: The background color of the thumbnails. Default: "#ffffff".
* activeOutlineWidth: The width of the active outline. Default: 1. 0 is disabled.
* activeOutlineColor: The color of the active outline. Default: "#000000".
const config = {
showThumb: "desktop",
startItem: 2,
galleryThumbs: {
align: "right",
scale: 1,
roundEdge: 0,
bgcolor: "#ffffff",
activeOutlineWidth: 1,
activeOutlineColor: "#000000",
const configList = [{
basePath: "/zoomlook/pix/ZLGLAnimation/",
clickLoad: false,
type: "animation",
fps: 8,
uuid: "LOOK06",
fullscreenMode: "page"
basePath: "/zoomlook/pix/ZLGLGallery/",
clickLoad: false,
type: "photo",
uuid: "LOOK01",
basePath: "/zoomlook/pix/ZLGLGallery/",
clickLoad: false,
type: "photo",
uuid: "LOOK02",
basePath: "/zoomlook/pix/ZLGLGallery/",
clickLoad: false,
type: "photo",
uuid: "LOOK03",
basePath: "/zoomlook/pix/ZLGLGallery/",
clickLoad: false,
type: "photo",
uuid: "LOOK04",
const ZL = new ZLPlayer();
ZL.loadZLGallery(config, "zoom", configList);
### unload player
### load compare
* loadCompare(leftUuid, rightUuid, config?)
* leftUuid: left view uuid.
* rightUuid: right view uuid.
* config:
* target: The container id of the view.
* basePath: The base path of the assets directory.
const ZL = new ZLPlayer({
basePath: "https://zoomlook.comdia/zl/zoomlook/pix/ZLGL2d",
target: "zoom",
compare: {
beforeUuid: "BlhLpN-337653",
afterUuid: "LDZFT-999190",
vertical: true
const ZL = new ZLPlayer();
ZL.loadCompare("BlhLpN-337653", "LDZFT-999190", {
basePath: "https://zoomlook.comdia/zl/zoomlook/pix/ZLGL2d",
target: "zoom",
compare: {
vertical: true
} );
### use hooks
ZL.PreloadEnd = ()=>{
do something
## States
state = {
gallery_count: 0,
gallery_index: 0,
object_playing: false,
frame: 0,
frames: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
fullscreen: false,
popup: false,
buttons: false,
control_type: "spin",
* gallery_count: The total number of items in the gallery.
* gallery_index: The index of activation items in the gallery.
* object_playing: The playback state of an object, which usually indicates whether it is spinning.
* frame: Current frame.
* frames: Total frames.
* x/y: Current focus coordinates.
* fullscreen: Whether it is in full-screen mode.
* popup: Whether it is in popup mode.
* buttons: Whether buttons are displayed.
* control_type: Current control type. ("spin" or "pan")
## Actions
* spinTo(frame, shortestWay)
* frame: Target frame number. Default: 1.
* shortestWay: The use the shortest possible way from the current to the target frame. Default: true.
* getZoomLevel()
* setZoomLevel(level)
* level: Number OR percentage.
* openPopup(config, configList?)
* config: Same as loadZLGallery().
* configList: Same as loadZLGallery().
Normal-View usage:
const ZL = new ZLPlayer();
uuid: "ixIHVi-177212",
basePath: "",
fullscreenMode: type,
Compare-View usage:
const ZL = new ZLPlayer();
basePath: "https://zoomlook.comdia/zl/zoomlook/pix/ZLGL2d",
Gallery usage:
const ZL = new ZLPlayer();
const config = {
showThumb: "all",
fullscreenMode: type,
const configList = [
basePath: "",
clickLoad: false,
type: "animation",
fps: 8,
uuid: "LOOK06",
basePath: "",
clickLoad: false,
type: "ZLVideo",
inertia: true,
fps: 24,
uuid: "ZLV-ixIHVi-177212",
basePath: "",
clickLoad: false,
type: "photo",
uuid: "LOOK01",
ZL.openPopup(config, configList);
* closePopup()
* fullView(state?)
* state: Boolean. Full screen or not. When no value is passed, it switches between true and false.
* showButtons(buttons)
* buttons: Boolean or Array.
* True/False: Whether to display buttons.
* Array: Specify which buttons to display. Value range: ["fullscreen", "direction", "play", "control"].
## Hooks
* onZoomMin(callback)
* callback = (zoomLevel) => void
* onZoomMax(callback)
* callback = (zoomLevel) => void
* onZoom(callback)
* callback = (zoomLevel) => void
* onAnimateStart(callback)
* callback = (frame, frames) => void
* onAnimateEnd(callback)
* callback = (frame, frames) => void
* onPanStart(callback)
* callback = (x, y) => void
* onPanEnd(callback)
* callback = (x, y) => void
* onPreloadStart(callback)
* callback = () => void
* onPreloadEnd(callback)
* callback = () => void
* onEnterFullScreen(callback)
* callback = () => void
* onExitFullScreen(callback)
* callback = () => void
## Global action
* setInfo: Set the text information.
* Multilingual:
"cn": {
"clickLoad": "点击加载",
"wheelInfo": "使用Shfit+鼠标滚轮进行缩放" },
"de": {
"clickLoad": "Klicken Sie zum Laden",
"wheelInfo": "Verwenden Sie Shift+Mausrad zum Zoomen"
"en": {
"clickLoad": "Click to load",
"wheelInfo": "Use Shift+mouse wheel to zoom"
* Monolingual:
"clickLoad": "Click to load",
"wheelInfo": "Use Shift+mouse wheel to zoom"
## Url query parameters
* uuid
* basePath: The base path of the assets directory.
* clickLoad: If true, user need to click to start loading; Otherwise, it will load automatically. Default: false.
* fps: Spin speed, the default value is 25, representing 25 frames per second.
* type: Type of content. Default: "animation". Available values: ["photo", "animation", "ZLVideo"]
* buttons:
* enabled: Show/hide all buttons. Default: true.
* fullscreenButton: Show/hide fullscreen button. "desktop" mean only show on desktop. "mobile" is the same. Default: true. Available values: ["desktop", "mobile", true, false].
* directionButton: Show/hide direction buttons. Default: true.
* playButton: Show/hide play button. Default: true.
* controlMoveButton: Show/hide the control move button. Default: true.
* fullscreenMode: Fullscreen mode. Default: "device". Available values: ["device", "page"]. Device full screen is not supported on iPhone, full page as fallback is used. [Browser compatibility of device fullscreen API](
* bounce: Enable/disable bounce effect. Default: false.
* spinReverse: Reverse spin direction. Default: false.
* inertia: Enable/disable inertia effect. Default: false.
* autoplay: Enable/disable autoplay. Default: false.
* maxZoom: The max percentage of zoom. '100%' is min value, means no zoom. Default: "200%". Range: 100% ~ 1000%.
* limitRange: Limit the range of the view.
* Default:
`{ "level":"130%", "top":1, "bottom":1, "left":1, "right":1 }`
* expandButton: Expand button.
* Default:
`{ "enabled": true, "showColor": "#000000", "hideColor": "#000000", invert: false }`
* pageScroll:
* enabled: Enable scroll page with mouse wheel + Shift key. Default false. Note that if use an iframe, pageScroll will only work in the same domain.
* invert: If true, scroll page when Shift key down + mouse wheel. If true, scroll page by mouse wheel. Default: false.
* touch: Whether to support it on touch device. Default: false.
* background:
* color: The background color. Default: '#FFFFFF'.
* startFrame: Initial frame. Default: 1.
* autoChangeControl: Whether to automatically change the control type when zoom level at 200. Default: true.
* limitMemory: Reduce the size and number of images when memory is limited. Default: true.
* limitMemorySpeedMode: Absolute or relative speed using frames/fps. The relative speed may be faster than normal. Default: "relative". Available values: ["absolute", "relative"].
* track: Enable or disable track. This will cause all hooks to output logs to the console. Default: true.
* crossCursor: Enable or disable cross cursor. Default: false.
* ga4: Enable or disable ga4. Default: false.
* metadata: Metadata information. Default: { productName: null }.
* configVersion: Config version. Default: null.
## Notes
* When using json objects as url query parameters, all keys must be quoted.
* Url query parameters need to be url encoded. Otherwise special symbols may cause errors, such as # $ *.
### Examples
## Shortcut key
* P to toggles Play/Pause
* S toggles Spin/Move
* F/Spacebar activates fullScreen
* '+' zooms in
* '-' zooms out
* → pan photo right
* → pan object right at fullScreen
* → spin object right 100 - 199
* ← pan photo left
* ← pan object left at fullScreen
* ← spin object left 100 - 199
* ↑ pan photo up
* ↓ pan photo down
* ? and i toggle info window (future)